Eco Easter Craft - Paper Egg Tree
Written by Morgan Schaafsma
I will accept any good excuse for a new craft project! This time it is Easter.
Being in a new home, I was excited to have my family over for Easter Sunday brunch and thought I could hand-make some decorations. So naturally I started pinteresting.
I stumbled across these awesome paper easter eggs and quickly formed the idea of an easter tree. I had a stack of homemade paper from our Papermaking Workshops and went for a walk to find just the right sticks.
I started with the traditional honeycomb paper egg and discovered a few variations along the way. I am extremely happy with the results of my neutral toned Easter tree, but you could have fun experimenting with colours. The yellow is the results of our homemade turmeric paper!
To make this a truly eco friendly craft project you are going to need homemade glue.
Homemade Glue Recipe:
Step 1. Combine 1 cup water, ΒΌ cornflour, 1 tsp salt + 1 tsp vinegar into a saucepan
Step 2. Over medium heat continuously stir until thick
Step 3. Transfer to air-tight container and keep in fridge for up to 4 weeks
Step 4. Activate with boiling water when ready to use. Mix to a consistency you are happy to work with
Now follow along these simple steps to create your paper eggs:
Check out our Instagram for a video tutorial as well: Instagram Reels
We specialise in craft projects for adults, but it would be great to get the kids involved, as you can see in the photos, there is a simple version of the egg, where you cut, fold and glue all the sides together. No complicated honeycomb. A mix really works well on a tree.
At the very end of my crafting venture, I discovered one more technique, so I scribbled it down for you to experiment with:
Hope you enjoyed this blog and enjoy making some eco easter eggs!
Let us know if you have any questions, we are always here to help.
Please share your photos with us on socials, because we would love to see what you create.
Happy crafting,
x Morgan