Community Mural

Community Mural Workshop


Feld x Open Hands Creative

As part of the City of Melville Open Studios and Art Trail weekend we ran a workshop where 8 members of the community painted a mural! Feld kindly donated this wall to be transformed into an artwork. Jordan worked hard to capture the essence of Feld in her design, she wanted to portray the calm & earthy atmosphere at Feld, which she did in this beautiful illustration! @dutifulflower_design.

There was a lot to cover in a 4 hour workshop, we learnt how to design, prep and paint a mural. Morgan has been painting her whole life and really enjoyed passing on her knowledge to the community. We are always looking to educate and inspire others, which is what that day was all about! Everyone got involved and had so much fun expressing their creatvitiy. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and watched, Feld was bustling with people. Isn't it great how murals can bring people together and create a sense of community?





Open HandsFeld and Co